Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This reflection is for the lesson last week,i remembered that it was on the 14th January.That day,we had a game,sort of a "competition"between groups.It was fun as we competed on the knowledge of William Shakespeare.Each of us was to read  the information beforehand.Then,one group had to asked another group a question and they had to answer and this continued on for about 3 rounds still the class ends.The groups which answered correctly would get 5 marks and the last round was 10 marks.There were question like "what words was crafted on the grave of William Shakespeare".Although it was difficult,but Yi ting still managed to read out some lines and their group was given the mark.Some easy question was like "what happened to the thearte that William and his troupe had built?"and most of us knew that it was being burned by a canon-shot.There was a  group which asked question that they don't even know as they want to earn more points and it made the whole class laugh .But still ,they were given another chance....
In the end it was the third group that had earned the most points and they won.Each of them was awarded a lollipop,although my group lose,but we had know more about Shakespeare and it help us in memorising the information.In a nutshell,I thought that the lesson was interesting and fruitful.

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