Monday, January 17, 2011

As everyone had know,William Shakespeare is the world most famous playwright.But,there were few records and artefacts exits for him.However,April 23rd was taken as his birthday as this was 3 days before his baptism(acceptance of a person into the christian church).He died on the same date in 1616 when he was 52yrs old.
Five years after Wlliam married (1587),he moved to London alone living his wife and children in Stratford.He work as a actor and gave public recitals of his own poems and he soon become famous for his playwright.When Queen Elizabeth l died in 1603,the new King James gave royal consent to shakespeare acting company to be called " The King's Men" in return for entertaining the courts and the association was to shape a number of plays eg. Macbeth to please the Scottish King.
In just 23 yrs,Shakespeare with writing and collaborating on 38 plays ,154 sonnet(love poem with 14 lines) and 5 poem.In 1599,he and his troupe also built a thearte"The Globe Thertre" and it is more famous now as it is home of Shakespeare's play,with thousand of people crammed into the small space for each performance.Shakespeare returned to Stratford in 1614 and died 2yrs later .Some of his famous work are:


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