Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Funeral" advertisment

In the"funeral" advertisment,it was a funeral of a chinese man, David and the host was his wife which was of a different race, a Indian.The speech spoken was special and different from the others.In the funeral, his wife started off by mentioning all the trival bad trait that her husband has.She had said that"Ïn the end,it was this little things that you remember, the little imperfection that make them perfect for you " It was his bad sleeping habit that occupies the speech,as she imitate her husband snoring at night, she laughed and the guests laugh showing how her husband imperfection was now seen as his beautiful characteristics..By saying this, she wanted to expressed herself that what most memorable about her husband for her was the little things that she may once detest but which has now became the most vivid part of her memory.The director wanted to arise a sense of regretion from the audience.Secondly by using mixed race couple, the director wants to emphasize on the good releationship of the couple despite of the different in race, they might have faced many obstacle like disagreement between families and the difficulty in adjusting to different cultures yet at the funeral, the wife still felt sad for the leaving of his husband showing that the difference in race was not a major problem, what matter most was their determination to stay with each other.In conclusion, by mentioning the bad habits of the husband and by using couple of different race, the director wants to tells the audience that nothing really matter, the most important things is the will of the two party to stay together and also to remind people to cherish their family now before regretting when they leave them.

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